Digital Radiography:
This form of computerized radiography uses a standard dental x-ray generator as its radiation source. Digital radiography reduces radiation exposure 60-80%. A small intra-oral sensor that is placed in the mouth collects the image. The color capabilities show our patients more meaningful pictures than black and white.
Digital radiography assists in the detection of cavities between the teeth that may not be visible in the mouth. Cavities that are just beginning can be detected earlier on a radiograph so that your treatment becomes less invasive and costly. These x-rays are especially significant in evaluating your periodontal health because your bone level is measurable.
Intra-Oral Camera:
This camera allows us to quickly and easily photograph the inside of your mouth. The photographic image can be projected immediately onto a color monitor. Since this magnification allows you to see your mouth more clearly, you are better able to participate in your treatment.